# What Matereial do I use ? I use 3mm whithe ABS 3d Printing marerial from mateial 4 print. # Print Settings: I used mutch infill like 40% and retraction diffrent as recommended. would see how it performes. ## Official Recommandations: Retraction: Off Speeds: 45/50 Extruder Temp: 230c Infill 10% Raft+Support: Off No Heated Bed # Printer: I used a Ultimaker 2+ to print my parts with glass bad and heeted enclosure. Thanks to Atrakktor ev hamburg where I borrow it from. # Poolysmoothing: I used ABS for the idea of Polysmoothing it using Acetone: 1. Step I sanded my prints to get a nicer finish and a plain surface to sit tham on. 2. Step In regard to the massive Printsettings I used a wire to dip the prints directly into the acetone. It gos mutch faster and the prints got shiny too. Probably i can uns Acetone as a kind of glue to stik multibale prints together. 3. Step Let the prints Dry.