Idea: i would like to try to configure my windows so that i have a local cluster for the different spaces of my kubectl and once the desy Dchace rencher cluster. for this i would like to emulate single hosts by WSL ...
realization it does not work (without further ado)
I have linux user experience and I am not familiar with many of the Windows features. Therefore I will give some explanations that I have learned here in the side notes / quotes.
>this Tutorial only works for ubuntu, the Debian WSL build differently
> the standard Systemd Tools for chainging the the hostnameanzeige funkion some howin debian (the chainges would take over for two boots than be removed )
HSTR is a tool that makes your bash history serchable,
(Everyone has their own preference here HSTR is a very convenient tool to use the bashrc)
> set up necessary alias functions, (it is advisable to enter a cfetch or neofetch at the end of the config so that you can quickly recognize which wsl you are in when logging into the bash. )
>normal cli systhem tools like htop do not need to be installed, as they are not necessarily mapped to the hardware correctly. currently you can cover what htop provides with **top** and **free** to cover all implied features to a large extent.
>(htop still has some advantages for the display, see htop config, but in our use case you come less into contact with it)
Kubectl and helm. Kubectl is an important tool to manage a kubernetes cluster, to start and stop pods that can consist of one or more containers, to configure the pods with deployments that get interfaces to another, for example via services and config maps.
these configurations are templated by helm chart so that simpler kube configuration is possible. Helm chart manages many configurations for kubernetis, such as a package manager like apt. or later winget.
>your powershell runs in a terminal emulator, normal control +shift +c and control+shift+v will not work if you nerf it install Alacritty this will make it feel a bit more like a standard terminal emulator.
>you would also get in touch with msys2 its allso a good oportonity to do linux stuff un windows but its more pain theen wsl in some cases it adds their own cli , you will got in touch if you install git for windows xD
now you have to put the configuration of your kubernetis cluster into the .kube in your user directory.
To do this, you must create the folder and copy the file you receive in the ranshers of your kubernetis cluster into the directory with the name config.
> windows toolig also gui stuff is strange sometimes anything works tiffrent as expected. for example if you want to create a folder you cant do it propaly using the gui you are better of using the unixi like terminal. mkdir ls touch be aware that these tools differ in funktion from cmd to powershell
the grphana is changed that it can run with out the right to modyfing the namespace its the same fpr prometheus , the same is for the prometeus char. prometeus has an option to place on any node a automatic collector for metricis, I disabled it for leake of pemissions